Friday, August 31, 2007

Firefox's tab cycling

In Firefox, when you press Ctrl+Tab repeatedly, you cycle through the next tabs.

In fact, I like Opera's way better: You cycle through your recently active tabs, in a way similar to Windows Alt+Tab.

I researched for an hour, and still couldn't find a way to make Firefox to behave in the Opera's way.

Am I alone in this world wanting this?

Blogger data API

If you are a good programmer,  you can interact with in codes. You don't have to deal with gui.

Here is a starting point: gData

Picking a Design Template

I don't like most of the Blogger template designs. The main text window is too narrow, wasting screen space. But from the template list, there is no way to tell which ones have wide windows. I have to test one by one.

Tekka seems to be good.